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Duplin County Sheriff’s Department is comprised of the following divisions: Administration, Records and Reports, Investigations, Crime Prevention and CSI, Narcotics, Drug Unit, Patrol Division, D. I. C. E. Team, Child Support Enforcement, and Detention & Civil. The Sheriff’s Department employs 65 full-time personnel who provide full service to all of the citizens of Duplin County in law enforcement, service of process, detention services and court services. The Sherrif’s office also offers the D.A.R.E programs and Crime prevention' programs. The Duplin County sheriff also issues warrants, gun permits, and concealed weapons Permit.

Contact information:

Duplin County Sheriff's Office
112 Hill St,
Kenansville, NC 28349
Phone: (910)296-2150
E-mail: blakew@duplincounty.org


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